Hello @huyan

When I use the interface /ConvertService.ashx to convert a doc file into a docx file, the Chinese " is converted to English ",It shouldn’t be

Can I ask you to provide a file to reproduce the problem?
Please provide us with an example of file where the issue reproduces.

你好, @Nikolas 我在使用/ConvertService.ashx这个文档转换API的时候遇到了一些问题,当我将一个.doc文件转化为一个.docx文件时,doc文件中的中文标点符号 “,被转换为了英文的 ",但是我在你们官网页面进行转换时并没有出现这种情况,我尝试过部署最新的documentserver镜像服务,但是转换结果还是不正确的,我准备了三份文件,

headers = {"accept": "application/json"} resp = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 200: file_url = json.loads(resp.content.decode()).get("fileUrl") return file_url


Hello @huyan

Sorry for the late response.

Unfortunately, the link to the source file leads to the already converted by Document Server .docx file.
Is it possible to share the original .doc document via external link so we can directly download the file and analyze the issue?

Also, please take a look at the sample request to Conversion Service to convert a file in our official API: