2007年致力于走向国际市场的清华大学经济管理学院与欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)在平等合作的基础上,启动了中国大陆第一个授予双学位的全英文授课项目:清华-INSEAD EMBA项目。


现任清华大学经济管理学院 弗里曼讲席教授(Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor)、院长、清华大学中国财政税收研究所所长
Charles Galunic is a Professor of Organisational Behaviour and the Aviva Chaired Professor of Leadership and Responsibility at INSEAD, holding a PhD in Organisational Behaviour/Industrial Engineering from Stanford University, California; a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University (Canadian Rhodes Scholar); and a BSc in Chemical Engineering from Queen's University, Canada. He teaches in a variety of INSEAD Executive Education programmes, both in Fontainebleau and in Asia, and is a programme director of the INSEAD's high potentials programme (Management Acceleration Programme). He was a nominee for the Best Core Teacher Award, EMBA in 2004, 2005, 2006, and received the 2004/2005 INSEAD Excellence Award in Executive Education, and won best case study awards, including the 2007 ECCH Best Case Award (Organisational Behaviour/Human Resources area).
Charles Galunic
Charles Galunic is a Professor of Organisational Behaviour and the Aviva Chaired Professor of Leadership and Responsibility at INSEAD.
A Spanish national, he holds a PhD degree in strategic management from Purdue University. Since 2001, he has taught strategy and industry and competitive analysis at INSEAD at all levels – MBA, Executive MBA, Ph.D., and executive programmes for leading global companies. From 2009 to 2011, he also served as Dean of Executive MBA programmes at INSEAD. Javier served as Chair of the Strategy department at INSEAD, and as Academic Director of the INSEAD European Competitiveness Initiative, a broad initiative by INSEAD faculty to understand and improve business competitiveness in Europe.
Javier Gimeno
Javier Gimeno is Professor of Strategy at INSEAD (Fontainebleau campus), in France, where he holds the Aon Dirk Verbeek Chair in International Risk and Strategic Management.
Philip M. Parker is a Professor of Marketing at INSEAD and the INSEAD Chaired Professor of Management Science. He is the programme director of the Business Strategy for HR Leaders Executive Education programme. Before joining INSEAD, he was a Professor of International Strategy and Economics at the University of California, San Diego. He has taught at Harvard University, MIT, Stanford University, and UCLA, and delivered courses in various countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, North America, and Europe. He has degrees in Finance and Economics, and a PhD from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Philip M. Parker
Professor of Marketing
INSEAD Chaired Professor of Management Science
在2008年夏季,我面临着职业发展的十字路口,意识到还需要学习更多的知识,在好朋友的强烈推荐下,我选择了清华-INSEAD双学位EMBA项目。开始课程之前,通过同事,家人,导师和主管对我的360度调查,使我更加了解自己,是一段有趣的经历。授课教授们都很出色,课程设置全面。Leadership Development Programme (LDP)领导力发展计划帮助我了解了自己的优劣势,助力未来职业的发展规划。严格的学术课程外,我最大的财富就是来自跨...
Lisa Marie Djeng 郑嘉仪
香港凯思博投资管理(Keywise Capital Management)
Life is a journey and some milestones left a dent in my little universe. TIEMBA was such a milestone.
Life is a journey and some milestones left a dent in my little universe. TIEMBA was such a milestone. To have the privilege to bring work experiences into state-of-the-art academic frameworks and discuss these with world-class scholars and like-minded students from around the world was something very special. Even deeper than the academic experience was the personal development journey and the ...
Alexander Ozbahadir
Schindler AG
Head of Sales and Marketing
TIEMBA is the ideal embodiment of cross-cultural professional and personal development.
TIEMBA is the ideal embodiment of cross-cultural professional and personal development. It’s not just the curriculum that brings value. It’s also how TIEMBA brings together executives from all walks of life, and the experiential learning you gain from project simulations and peer coaching. It pushes your boundaries on thought leadership, provides modern perspectives onpeople management, and ...
Jireh Li
Source Code Capital
Chief of Staff, Managing Director
TIEMBA is a never-ending journey.
TIEMBA is a never-ending journey. The learning opportunity at TIEMBA was not only limited with the courses and electives but it was supported with extra-curriculum webinars and classes. Those events broaden our perspectives, enlighten us about new business trends and evolving role of a business leader in the society. I have not been in China before TIEMBA and meeting with this fresh, dynamic and deep-rooted culture really catalyzed my personal development and help me understand different perspectives, improveability for empathy and set bold targets.
Basar Polat
Detecon International GmbH
Regional Director
A TIEMBA journey does not end with graduation.
TIEMBA curriculum and faculty staff epitomized the best of East & West. Care is taken in terms of dynamics and diversity of each class. A TIEMBA journey does not end with graduation. The active & highly supportive alumni communities of TIEMBA, Tsinghua & INSEAD, keeps one connected & updated. To fully appreciate the TIEMBA experience , engage and participate.
Fang Ming Kao
Commonwealth Bank
Managing Director, Greater China & China Chief Executive
TIEMBA provided the perfect opportunity to strengthen my business acumen and ultimately prepare me for senior leadership roles.
With a background in engineering and having spent my career in the technology industry, TIEMBA provided the perfect opportunity to strengthen my business acumen and ultimately prepare me for senior leadership roles. The unique East-West mix of two top schools guaranteed great diversity, both academically and in terms of insight and sharing from my fellow classmates and alumni.
Thomas Moggard
Senior Director, Head of China Central Engineering
TIEMBA provides students unprecedented insight into China's dynamic economy, as well as access to near unlimited development opportunities.
TIEMBA provides students unprecedented insight into China's dynamic economy, as well as access to near unlimited development opportunities; a highly unique offering in the market. When it comes to interacting with people from a diverse set of cultures, I think no other program has these touch points around the world, and with these you can learn the different cultures of doing business
Kingsley Leung
Uni-Bio Science Group Limited


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